“I quit my full-time day job in October of 2023 to be a full time artist”. There is so much overlapping joy and dread every time I say that phrase. It’s now part of my bio, it’s part of my DNA as an artist now. That’s when the real journey started.
For the most part, it’s going great: most days I have a boring day-to-day routine, but sometimes I have days where inspiration strikes and I make art like there’s no tomorrow. I launched a book and book two is out later this year! I’m going to be speaking at SXSW in March! But when this country elected Trump in early November, it struck a very real note of fear in me. As a queer digital artist whose art lives mostly online, and whose very life is political, I can’t help but make art that’s sharply critical of him. But as someone who doesn’t have a day job anymore, I depend on occasional brand deals to sustain my everyday living expenses, and pay my team of people who help assemble my installations.
It’s hard for me to ask for help, but it’s something I’ve gotten more comfortable with the older I’ve gotten. Maybe that wisdom has come with age, that nobody is a monolith, that nobody gets through this world without help from their friends. Until the political climate gets easier and until more brands feel aligned with my values, I’ve decided to start my Patreon, a way for supporters to help with small to large monthly donations, to help propel my journey as a full time artist, and to be a patron of the great work of artistic protest I’m pursuing. And yes, I considered announcing this with a black and white sad montage set to Sarah McLachlan’s “In The Arms Of An Angel”.
You’ll still be able to purchase prints from PRNTS by BLCKSMTH, and the apparel and other merch from my Teepublic Store (including that iconic, viral anti-Trump design). But this is a way to support my art in the most tangible, helpful way, with awesome gifts at each successive level. Sorry, no feet pics.
Thanks for any and all support in the past, even sharing or joining the discourse (or arguments!) online when you come across my art, from the bottom of my heart. Please take a look and consider further support by clicking here.