I cry at the drop of a hat. Keep that in mind. I’m writing this right after I uploaded the last artwork into my new online print shop. You see, this is symbolic. This is important. This is terrifying.
Years ago, I started my typographic series inspired by my own phrases I came up with, and heavily leaning on curated quotes. It’s not commonly known, but I made the fake flower-petal installations a bit before I stumbled on the balloon letters, and even earlier than the SpellBrite LED installations. Although I eagerly dabble in other mediums, the balloon letters took the internet by storm in May of 2020, and my lifelong goal of making a living from creating art was suddenly feasible. In October of 2023 that possibility finally became a reality, and I left my day job for the freelance artist life. During that time, I’ve explored a half-dozen ways to monetize my art, while still maintaining credibility and integrity.
I’m proud to announce that my new online store selling prints of my art, PRNTS by BLCKSMTH, is finally open. I and a team of three have been working for months on this, and I think you’ll love browsing through it.
I’m deeply moved to launch such a personal project that’s bound to be a large part of sustaining my quest for creativity. I want to take this opportunity to thank anyone who’s reading this: just by bearing witness to this, you’re helping me as an artist. All I ask is that you browse the online store (and give in to any temptation haha). However, if a print or two isn’t in your budget or in your decorating future, please share the link to the shop with someone who might love these offerings.
Once a month I’ll load more pieces, most of them recent, into the shop, and retire others, so the assortment you see may be fluid and limited. If you’re in Portland, or should our paths cross elsewhere, I’d love to sign purchased prints for you.
While the print shop is the best way to support my art, my recent book “Putting Balloons On A Wall Is Not A Book” is still going strong (and extremely giftable: it’s stocking-sized!), and the hoodie and t-shirt designed to resemble my recent viral post make a wonderful gift for someone who detests Tr_mp as much as I do.
Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart. You made my dreams come true, and you continue to.
Gratefully, Mike